Corff Llywodraethol/Governing Body


Mae gan Lywodraethwyr y Ffederasiwn gyfrifoldeb cyffredinol am yr ysgol, ac o fewn y cyfrifoldebau penodol hynny i hyrwyddo safonau uchel o addysg a lles disgyblion.

Mae'r holl Lywodraethwyr yn rhannu'r union bwerau ac amcanion, sef i ddiogelu ansawdd yr addysgu a'r dysgu a ddarperir gan yr ysgol; i godi safonau cyflawniad a chyrhaeddiad y disgyblion a'r staff, ac i fod yn atebol i'r gymuned leol am effeithiolrwydd yr ysgol .

Os hoffech drafod unrhyw fater sy'n ymwneud un o’r ysgolion , yna gallwch siarad ag unrhyw Lywodraethwr.


Federation Governors have overall responsibility for the school, and within those specific responsibilities to promote high standards of education and pupils' welfare.

All Governors share the exact powers and objectives of protecting the quality of teaching and learning provided by the school; to raise the standards of achievement and attainment of pupils and staff, and to be accountable to the local community for the effectiveness of the school.

If you would like to discuss any matter relating to one of the schools then you can speak to any Governor.

Rhestr Llywodraethwyr 2023-2024.pdf
Governing Body 2023-2024.pdf