Mathemateg a Rhifedd

Mathematics and Numeracy

Defnyddio mathemateg i ddatrys problemau yn y byd go iawn. 

The application of mathematics to solve problems in real-world contexts.

Gemau Rhif / Number Games

Heriau Rhif / Number Challenges

Amser / Time

Odrifau ac Eilrifau

Lluosi / Multiplication

Rhannu / Division

Gweithgareddau Siâp

Shape Activities

                    Dyblu  /  Doubling

Ymarfer Sgiliau Tynnu / Subtraction

Cyfri' fesul 2 / Counting in twos

Gweithgareddau  Cynhwysedd 

Capacity Activities 

Cymharu faint o hylif sydd mewn cynhwysyddion gwahanol. Cofnodi litrau / mililitrau.

Comparing the amount of liquid in different bottles and pots. Recording measurements in litres / millilitres. 

Ffracsiynau / Fractions

Her-Sut allwch roi hanner i Miss Sandra a hanner i Mrs Lewis?

Challenge - how can we share equally between Miss Sandra & Mrs Lewis?

Cyfri fesul 1010 yn fwy/llai

Counting in 10's  / 10 more & 10 less

 Beth sy'n gwneud 10  /  Beth sy'n gwneud 100?

What makes 10? What makes 100?

Casglu data a chreu graff am ein hoff deganau.

Collecting data on our favourite toys and making a graph.

Cymesuredd / Symmetry

Safle / Position