2019: Muscular Dystropy Association

Muscular Dystrophy Association

In 2019 Milford High School hosted their third annual Charity Week. Throughout the week students put on various events and spirit days with the focus on raising money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). The MDA provides care centers for patients, innovation in research, and is actively looking for ways to allow those living with MD to have the highest quality of life possible. The students selected MDA to support a Milford High School student, Kailee McCullough, and other individuals diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy.“What’s so special about Charity Week is how we are able to transcend just the walls of our high school and make an impact on an organization that helps thousands,” says senior leadership student Olivia Mouradian. By week’s end, Milford High School came together, and was able to present a check for $13,087 to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. 

Grand Total: $13,087!