Staff Picture Book Videos

We love sharing our favorites books.

Read aloud is a teacher's favorite time of the day!

The Lorax Read Aloud.mkv

Mrs. Salyer's reads The Lorax

Mrs. Bernardi reads Michael Recycles

Mrs. Brooks reads Chickens Aren't the Only Ones

Mrs. Price reads In My Heart

Mrs. Rosing reads You Make me Happy

Mrs. Brooks reads Love Our Earth

Mr. Hamilton reads One Smile

Artist who created Oakley, Ashlynn, reads Just Because


Mrs. Bernardi reads Moira's Birthday


Mrs. Feather reads Should I Share my Ice Cream


Mrs. Feather reads Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog

Birdsongs with Mrs. Yash

Mrs. Yash Reads Birdsong

Mr Marquis Reads (sings) stories

Mrs. Brooks reads Caps for Sale

more to come...

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