Welcome Letter

Welcome, All-Star!

Dear Future All-Star,


Welcome to Kindergarten at Stony Brook Elementary School! My name is Miss Migliaccio, but my students always call me Miss Migs. I am so excited to be your teacher this year and I cannot wait to meet you! 


I know you are already filled with so many amazing talents and I cannot wait for you to share them with our class. You will also get to do so many new and exciting things this year! You will learn to read and write, create masterpieces, sing songs, make new friends, and so much more! I promise to do my best to help you grow both inside and outside of the classroom. 


I hope that you and your family will join me at Kindergarten Orientation so that you can visit your new school and hear about all the exciting things we will do this year! 


Best wishes, 

Miss Migs
