Home Learning Supports
We know that learning this year is different - no matter what form of instruction your family has chosen. Hybrid and Remote/Virtual Learning is not only challenging for students, but for caregivers as well. Here are some articles that may help alleviate some struggles.
Virtual Learning Tips & Tools
Click the above text to read the article! Here are the key takeaways:
Create a structure to your child's day. Look through the school expectation and make a schedule. Children do better when they know what to expect.
Address the physical aspects of online learning. Do your best to create a "school" area for your child that is free from any distractions. Your child should get in the habit of gathering everything they will need for the day and having it in the same location. This can be tricky! Just do your best...it will be easier with time.
Support your child's behavioral and social emotional needs. You'll find many resources right on this website to help you do just that! Keep in mind that this is challenging for everyone. It should be expected that a child can struggle with big feelings and unexpected behaviors at times.