
Harwood Union Middle and High School



If a child is required to take medication during school hours, and the parents or guardian cannot be at school to administer the medication, the parent may request and give permission to the school nurse to administer the medication.  The school nurse, with the principal, shall designate an individual(s) to administer medication in the absence of the school nurse in compliance with the medication procedures.  The school shall have in place procedures that are reviewed annually by the school nurse and principal regarding prescription, non-prescription, and self-managed medications.  The policy, procedures, and medication permission forms will be sent home annually.  Established procedures for delegating and supervising medication administration will be followed.  In all cases, the school retains the discretion to reject requests for administration of medication.

(Harwood only)

Eighteen-year-old students may provide their own written request as defined above, but parents will be notified of each request for the 18-year-old on the same basis as other students, unless communications from school are limited to the student only in accordance with this policy.  The request may contain assurances that the student has suffered no previous ill effects from the use of medication.  Medication must be left in the custody of the school nurse.



Any student who is required to take medication must comply with the established procedure for medication to be administered during the school day.


Prescription Medication

A school nurse shall assure that in the administration of prescription medication, the following procedures are followed:

1. A written order must be obtained from a medical doctor, dentist, osteopath, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner detailing the name of the medication, dosage, time the medication is to be given, the date of termination for administration, and the diagnosis and/or reason for giving the medication at school.

2. A written request and permission from the parent/guardian of the student must be obtained, requesting that the school nurse comply with the health care provider order*.

3. Medication must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or health care provider*.

4. The initial dose of a medication will not be given at school.

5. Medications shall be stored in a locked compartment in the health office, or in an alternate locked location at the school nurse’s and principal’s discretion.

6. Delivery of all medications to elementary schools is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or any other designated adult.  Medication should not be transported to and from elementary school grounds by students.

7. Administration of medication shall be recorded on a Medication Log, which includes name of student, name of medication, date and time of administration, and the signature of the person administering the medication.

8. The parent/guardian of elementary students needs to pick up unused medication within three (3) days following the termination date of administration.  The school nurse retains the right to discard unused medication following this three (3) day period.


Non-Prescription Medication

The school nurse shall assure that in the administration of non-prescription medication, the following procedures are followed:

1. Written permission from the parent/guardian must be obtained detailing the name of the medication, dosage, time to be administered at school, termination date for administration, and the reason for giving the medication.

2. Medication must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or health care provider*.

3. The initial dose of a medication will not be given at school.

4. Medications shall be stored in a locked compartment in the health office, or in an alternate locked location at the school nurse’s and principal’s discretion.

5. Delivery of all medication to elementary schools is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or any other designated adult.  Medications should not be transported to and from elementary school grounds by students.

6. Administration of medication shall be recorded on a Medication Log, which includes name of student, name of medication, date and time of administration, and the signature of the person administering the medication.

7. The parent/guardian of elementary students needs to pick up unused medication within three (3) days following the termination date of administration.  The school nurse retains the right to discard unused medication following this three (3) days period.


Self-Management of Medication for Chronic Health Condition (i.e. asthma, diabetes)

The school nurse shall assure that in the self-management of medication, the following procedures are followed:

1. The need for self-management of a medication must be written and clearly stated by both the health care provider* and parent/guardian.

2. Written orders from the health care provider* must be obtained.

3. Written parent/guardian authorization must be obtained.

4. Prior to self-administration, the student must demonstrate to the school nurse proper and safe use of the medication.

5. Self-management privileges may be forfeited by the student at any time, if it is found that unsafe use of the prescribed medication is occurring.

6. Students are responsible to report to the school nurse any untoward effects of their prescribed medication immediately.


Delegation of Authority to Administer Medication

The school nurse may designate a person to administer medication only when that person has met the following provisions:

1. The individual has received appropriate instruction and supervised practice to perform the procedure.

2. The individual has demonstrated adequate knowledge and skill in performing the procedure(s), as well as knowledge of action to be taken if an emergency or a problem with the patient’s health condition occurs.

3. The nurse documents continued competency of the individual in performing the procedure(s).

*Health care provider is referenced in #1 and includes medical doctor, dentist, osteopath, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner.