About Me

Hello, I'm Jessica Pierce

I have lived in Hutto since 2014 shortly after my husband and I got married. We adopted our 2 sons, Niko and Isaiah, in 2019 and they also attend HES. I have a passion for animal welfare and adopt/foster geriatric pets to give them a cozy place to live out their golden years. I currently have a German Shepherd mix named Panda, a blind Cocker Spaniel mix named Teddy, and a cat (who thinks she is a dog) name Juno. I have an ungodly amount of plants and my favorite color is green. I love sour patch kids, spicy chips, Reese's, and COFFEE. When I'm not teaching, I love doing yard work, exploring the outdoors, and competing in Ultimate Frisbee

I started teaching in January 2020 (fun year to start teaching, right?) and I was self-contained so I taught all subjects. In 20-21, I was a hybrid teacher so I had a remote class and an in-person class and I taught Reading and Social Studies. In 21-22. I started working at HES as the 5th grade Science teacher and I'm excited to continue my Science journey for the 22-23 school year too. Science has always been my favorite subject to teach because I learn just as much from the students as they learn from me. My favorite part of teaching is building relationships with the students and showing them how what they are learning is relevant to the real world. I look forward to seeing how much our students grow this year!