ML DS Demos

VIBE Search

Uncover Your Style with Vibe Search

Discover your unique style and enhance your shopping experience with Vibe Search. With a single click, explore product recommendations that match your vibe, simplifying your search and ensuring you find the perfect items to express your individuality.

Download and explore for yourself!

Unlock Seamless Conversations with Hushh Chat

Engage in natural conversations with your personal documents, including receipts and invoices, using Hushh Chat. This innovative feature ensures your data remains secure and private, operating exclusively on your device. Enjoy the power of seamless data interaction with Hushh Chat.

Streamline Financial Management with Valet Chat

Never lose track of your finances with Valet Chat. Effortlessly manage invoices and receipts, retrieve information quickly, and gain valuable insights across various brands. Valet Chat empowers you to take control of your financial data.