STEAM Showcase 2021

4th-5th grade projects

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4th Grade

Jaranson Blanco

Project: "Which Marker Will Still Have A Lot of Ink?"

Lorin Eden Elementary

4th Grade

Jaranson Blanco 4 LorinE.mp4

Alexandra Delgado Guerra

Project: " Looney Tunes Art"

Longwood Elementary

4th Grade

Video Alexandra D 5_7_2021 4_28_32 PM.mp4

Julian Duenas

Project: " Play Population One"

Longwood Elementary

4th Grade

Video Julian D 4_6_2021 1_53_01 PM.mp4

Afizah Ishaque

Project: "Water Density"

Southgate Elementary

4th Grade

Video Afizah Ishaque 4 Southgate.mp4

Aliza Khan

Project: "Homemade Lava Lamp"

Lorin Eden Elementary

4th Grade

ALIZA Khan 4 LorinE.mp4

Xavier Nevarez

Project: "Importance of Healthy Lungs"

Burbank Elementary

4th Grade

Video Xavier Nevarez _4 _Burbank Elementary 5_2_2021 1_53_15 PM.mp4

Julian Nielsen

Project: " Victory Party"

Eden Gardens Elementary

4th Grade


Juan Jose Orozco

Project: "Putting Mentos in Different Sodas"

Lorin Eden Elementary

4th Grade

Juan Jose Orozco 4 LorinE .mp4

Ayden Pelayes

Project: "The Moving Magnet"

Lorin Eden Elementary

4th Grade

Copy of Ayden Pelayes - Science Fair Presentation 2021.pdf

Arjun Ray

Project: "Washing Machine Model"

Stonebrae Elementary

4th Grade

Video Arjun Ray _4 _Stonebrae 5_9_2021 4_19_59 PM.mp4

Elijah Sanders

Project: "Chemical Reaction of Mentos"

Southgate Elementary

4th Grade

Video Elijah Sanders _ 4_ Southgate 4_20_2021 1_32_39 PM.mp4

Amari Stickmon

Project: "Paper Airplane"

Lorin Eden Elementary

4th Grade

Amari Stickmon 4 LorinE.mp4

Andrew Voong

Project: "Who's Placing the Blocks?"

Eden Gardens Elementary

4th Grade

Video Andrew Voong 4 Eden Gardens.mp4

Genesis Zelaya Flores

Project: "Light Bulb Circuit"

Southgate Elementary

4th Grade

Video Genesis Zelaya Flores 4 Southgate.mp4

5th Grade

Jaden Benjamin

Project: "Wet Bread"

Lorin Eden Elementary

5th Grade

Jaden Benjamin 5 LorinE.mp4

Hadassa Bernal

Project: "USB Fan"

Longwood Elementary

5th Grade

Hadassa Bernal 5 Longwood.mp4

Ishan Brar & Karan Brar

Project: "Vaccine Delivery Bridge"

Southgate Elementary

5th & 3rd Grade

Ishan Brar 5 Southgate .mp4

Valeria Calvario Cornejo

Project: "Building a Glowing World"

Longwood Elementary

5th Grade


Ayleen Carrasco Fajardo & Abigail Aramburo

Project: "Caramel"

Lorin Eden Elementary

5th Grade

Ayleen Carrasco fajardo and Abigail Aramburo 5 LorinE .mp4

Vida Estrada Amerzcua

Project: "Crystal Growing"

Fairview Elementary

5th Grade

Vida Estrada Amezcua 5 Fairview.mp4

Saiya Gonzalez

Project: "Cleaning a Penny the Hard-a-Way"

Lorin Eden Elementary

5th Grade

Copy of Copy of Saiya Gonzalez - Science Fair Presentation 2021 (1).pdf

Zoe Guzman

Project: "Sick Pops"

Longwood Elementary

5th Grade

Zoe Guzman 5 Longwood.mp4

Amber Lawrence

Project: "Beach CD - Upcycled Landscape"

East Avenue Elementary

5th Grade

Video Amber L 5_10_2021 10_19_38 PM.mp4

Lucas Mitchell

Project: "Rocket to Mars"

Longwood Elementary

5th Grade

Lucas Mitchell 5 Longwood.mp4

Liz Reddy

Project: "Flower Coloring"

Lorin Eden Elementary

5th Grade

Liz Reddy Lorin Eden

Rachell Seastrunk

Project: "Solar System"

Fairview Elementary

5th Grade

Video Rachell Seastrunk 5 Fairview.mp4

Penda Sow

Project: "Vaccine Delivery"

Southgate Elementary

5th Grade

Video Penda Sow 5 Southgate.mp4

Aaden Tumonong

Project: "Frozen Play-Doh"

Lorin Eden Elementary

5th Grade

Aaden Tumonong 5 LorinE.mp4

Alexa Velazquez &
Krystal Vasquez

Project: "Elephant Toothpaste"

Lorin Eden Elementary

5th Grade

Krystal Vasquez Alexa Velazquez 5 LorinE.mp4

Natalie Villalta

Project: "Say No to Plastic"

Longwood Elementary

5th Grade

Video Natalie Villalta _5 _Longwood Elementary 4_21_2021 4_59_26 PM.mp4