Welcome page

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Here we will I will share some of the things that i am learning in 8th grade science. 

Our monthly goals will also be described. The goal for august and September was curiosity. Activities that we did for this were our Wonder journals, cicada lab, water quality testing, the microscopy lab, and our hungry hungry sphero challenge.

SSB IOT 4.pdf

Update for October, November,& 

My favorite project so far is the SSB building project. I am much better in groups for projects. I got My first 100% on a quiz in science. I like the hands-on building activities in groups. I have already done so much better this year than last year. I need to improve on doing my homework and paying attention in class. I also need to study better and take better notes.

Updates for January,february, and march

3 of my favorite things we did these months are Ohio spill, magnetism book creater, magnet stations. I liked the Ohio train spill cause I live in Ohio and it was cool to study a current event. I like magnetism cause we were given a lot of time to work on it and it had cool simulations. I like the magnet stations because there were a lot of hands on activities.  

Updates for April and May 

We did frogbit notes and water quality tests.

Final thoughts- I enjoyed the water quality test because we went outside, I did not like the Punnet square practice questions, I would like to know more about earth formation.