Welcome Page

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Welcome to my science website!

Here I will share some of the things I am learning in 8th-grade science.

Our monthly goals will also be described. The goal for August and September was curiosity. Activities that we did were our Wonder Journals, the cicada lab, water quality testing, and our Hungry Hungry sphero challenge. My favorite was the Hungry Hungry sphero's because we got to build!

Update for October, November, & December

My favorite project for these three months is the different types of plates and what landforms they are built on. I did a lego model showing four different places formed by plate tectonics. Hawaii was formed by a Hot Spot in the middle of the Pacific plate. The Himalayan mountain chain was formed when two converging plates ran into each other. San Andrea's fault was formed when a transform boundary slid against each other and finally, Iceland was formed with a divergent boundary separating both halves. I also need to remember to charge my computer for classtime a lot more.

Updates for January, February, and March

My favorite project these three months was the Pendulum activity, were we had to make a pendulum and change the lengh and the weight of it to see how much it would swing in a certain time period. My second project was the stream table were we got out the stream table and watched how rivers form in the sand into delta's. My third project was the Build a Launcher challenger, which got us to build a launcher to hit a plastic board and aim for the middle.

Updates for April and May

What we did in these 2 amazing months was a ton of fun. We made eginerring projects for how to get frogbit out of our water, and we did a Rock Pocket mouse project. We also learned how dinosaurs are just ancient Chickens.

Final thoughts on 8th grade science

What I enjoyed most this year is the fact that we could build different things and do more hands on activities, unlike last year. What I liked the least was the videos and sketchnotes, I just wasn't as good at using them. I want to learn mre about on how to take care of animals in the future.