Project Page


The Chair

A pixilation project featuring the acting talents of Lilly,  Seth, and George Hubert Wolfeschlegelstine. We used Capcut and Stop Motion to edit this short film. I wish that It looked a bit cleaner but I like the story line. I would use a different software if I had the chance.

Into The Tv!

I made this silent film with the help and talents of Lilly Bauman.  We used Cap Cut and Funimate. I loved the concept of this video and all  of the costumes. I wish we had a larger cast, actual sets, extras. I overall love this project.

Into the TV


This was my first project I made by myself. I used Stop Motion and CapCut for this.  I like the way I portrayed the characters and the end. I wish I could have made the characters real puppets (Coraline type).  


Honestly I have no clue what I was planning on doing with this but I like how funny It is. I used CapCut for this and everyone in the class sorta helped in a small  way. I like the joke but I wish it was more dramatic.

Pip No Project
Pip Lego Video

My Lego Model

This is a model I made by myself and I honestly love it! I'm not a big fan of how bland the hotel looks but I love the life the whole model has. I also really like the spinning ice cream on top of the ice cream parlor. 

This Website

This is my 6th and final project for Multi Media. I made this by myself with only google sites for help. I like this website, I honestly don't have any complaints. I would spend more time on it if I could.