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Welcome to my science website!

Here I will share some of the things that I am learning in 8th grade science.

Our monthly goals will also be described. The goal for August and September was curiosity. Activities that we did for this were our cicada lab, Wonder Journals, Hungry Hungry Sphero Challenge, the Microscopy Lab, and water quality testing.

My favorite was the microscopy lab, because I like playing around with microscopes and looking at the close up pictures.

Updates for October, November, and December

I have really enjoyed these past few months in science with all of the projects and topics we've covered. We have worked a lot with the different time periods of the earth, how the earth formed, and the movement of tectonic plates. The picture to the left is my "How Earth Formed" sketch note and  I really liked this project because it was cool to learn about how earth formed and everything that went into forming it like it is now. I think that I did really well in class these past few months however, I did talk a lot, and sometimes I got distracted from what we learning. I mostly got myself back on track, and I always did really well on the homework and quizzes, so I think that I did really well this quarter. 

Updates for January, February, and March

So far this year (2023) we worked with Newton's Cradle and how Newton's laws of motion apply to different aspects of the universe. We also started talking about electric currents and magnetism. We started off this lesson looking at a Van de Graaf generator, and I got to become part of the circuit and shock my teacher. We began looking at how runoff gets into waterways, and how much water can affect and erode an environment over time.

Updates for April and May

These past months we spent a lot of time outside looking at water quality and the environment. We also talked a lot about genetics and Punnett Squares. We looked at how mutations can affect an animal's survival rate and why they need to change their habitats. 

Final Thoughts on 8th Grade Science

I really enjoyed this past year of science because I feel like we were able to do a lot more throughout the class. I loved making Sketchnotes and Info-graphics throughout the year because it was such a creative way to apply what we learned to an actual project. I didn't really like getting ready for the State Test because I feel like it took away from our actual class time. I would love to spend more time learning about genetics and really get into how they work and create things.