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Welcome to my Science Website

Here, I will share some of the things i am learning in 8th grade science.

Our monthly goals will also be described. The goal for August and September was curiosity. Activities that we did for this were the Wonder Journals, Hungry Hungry Sphero challenge, microscopy lab, using iPads, and water testing. My favorite activity was the Hungry Hungry Sphero challenge because it was fun to try and figure out what could be the best design to get all the cups and just trying to get them was fun.

Update for October, November, and December

During the last three months in science I have done a lot. We did many sketch notes, activities, and projects. What's working the best for me is the sketch notes we do. I consider myself to be a bit artistic and i find it a great way to put what i have learned into something that I am familiar with, that I can understand and also customize to my liking. For example the photo i have is from my elective, scientific investigations. I enjoyed making it because i was able to connect what I have  learned and make it look nice while doing it. I have enjoyed the projects we do in this class. For example i liked making the mobile for our tectonic plates project. We were given a variety of choices for what we could do for this and i thought the mobile would be fun, and it was. I have room to grow with water testing since we have not done it a lot but I am sure in time i will get better at it. 

l̶i̶l̶l̶y̶ b̶a̶u̶m̶a̶n̶ - Science In The GIFs

Updates for January, February, and March

We did a lot of projects in class this year but there are three that stood out to me in different ways. One project we did was "build a launcher challenge". This challenge was to build a launcher with limited time and material with your partner so that it can go far enough to hit the plastic wall. Since we were restricted to specific amounts of certain supplies we found it difficult but me and my partner tried to face this challenge. We made an OK launcher but it didn't always fly far enough in the air to hit its target and we made many modifications to it. We were able to hit the wall but only very few times. Another project done in class was the shoe friction experiment I chose to do out of the 5 options. I found that one to be very interesting. I found what made a good shoe and what made a bad one friction wise. I thought it was cool to see the difference and the science behind it. I will definitely think about it the next time I buy a new shoe! The last project I will be talking about is science in the gifs. I thought it was interesting that things that seemed so normal had so much science behind them that I never noticed. At first I thought it would be difficult but once I saw one thing i started to see everything. 

Updates for April and May

We did a lot of activities and projects that last quarter of the school year. We did a frotbit project in which we could choose to do an engineering challenge or some other projects. I chose the engineering challenge and it definitely was a challenge. I struggled to find a design that would be able to pick up the frogbit but by the end of my work time I quickly conjured up something that was actually a success. We did a water quality infographic project. We used information on water quality testing from the past 3 years and made an infographic. It took me a while but I loved the finished product. Something else we did was a Chickology lab. We used gizmo to learn about genetics. It was interesting. We did some punnet square practice questions. It was helpful to get a better grasp on the subject. We did an aliens genetics gizmo. It was fun to make the aliens and give them different features and see what would result of that. Something else we did was learn about mitosis and meiosis. It was helpful to understand it better. Another thing we did was do evidence for evolution stations. It made me get the subject better. One last thing we did was a rock pocket mouse project. I had fun writing and making it seem like an actual journal with charts. 

Final Thoughts on 8th Grade Science

There were a lot of things we did in class this school year. I enjoyed some  things more than others. I enjoyed using paper and doing projects on it, like the one I did this year that is displayed next to my writing. Of course there were some things I didn't personally enjoy as much. One of those was the labs. They are just not something I like as much as all the other things we did. In the future in science i want to learn more about erosion. I found it fun in past grades and in this one too.