Welcome Page 

Welcome to my science website!

Here, I will share some of the things that I am learning in 8th grade science. 

Our monthly goals will also be described. The goals for August and September was curiosity. Activities that we did for this were our cicada lab, Wonder journals, Hungry Hungry Sphero challenge the Microscopy lab and the water quality testing. My Favorite Activity was Hungry Hungry Sphero because I like to build and create. 

Welcome LIC 5.pdf
Water Quality Testing 2021-2022 (Responses)

Updates for October,November and December 

My favorite project was water testing because I love to do hands on thing with nature. I also thought it was fun to go outside enjoy the nice weather. The results were also very interesting. It was a really nice experience. While being at the boat basin I saw many things such as fish, boats, and a tanker to dig the bottom of the lake.  Not only did we test the water but we tested wind speed and tempature. 

3 of my favorite experiments are the film canister the forces and motion coloring page and Science in the GiFs. I liked the film canister because it was fun watching the lid pop off me and my partner got it to go 40cm in the air. The forces and motion page was so fun to make with all the different examples of forces and motion. The science in the GIFS was also fun because I love to watch the animations. 

Updates for January February and March

Updates for April and May 

In April we learned about life we did things like evidence for evolution and the Rock Pocket mouse evolution. Then we got into things like punnett squares that can determine the outcome of offspring. We also did alien genetics and chickenolgy. In May we did water testing then we made and infographic about the water testing over 3 years. Later in May we made a design to try to clear frogbit an invasive species. 

My Final Thoughts of 8th grade science!

science was very fun and I learned a lot we learned everything from the creation of earth to the life we have today! We did many projects videos and notes and it was great. I enjoyed learning anbout life and the mutations that can occur in DNA. I didn't enjoy learning about how old rocks were but it was easy to understand. Studing for science test were always easy and i felt like I  always got a 96% so close to 100! It has been a very enjoyable year.