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Welcome to my website! 

Here, I will share some of the things that I am learning in 8th grade science. 

Our monthly goals will also be described. The goal for August and September was curiosity. Activities that we did for this were a Microscopy lab, Cicada lab, Hungry Hungry Sphero challenge, Water Quality testing, and Wonder Journals. 

My favorite was Microscopy lab. 

Update for October, November, & December

My experiences and learning have improved over these three months. What is helping me learn better is doing sketch notes. Drawing and writing information down helps me remember them more clearly. I enjoy doing labs and building things to get a better example of what were learning. I also enjoyed the water testing, it helped me understand better and it was a fun experience. Interactive learning helps me get a better visual of things and that's why I enjoy it.  I have room to  grow on studying my note cards. When I write down things on note cards I have a hard time remembering them. Which, I can improve on that. 

Updates for January, February, and March

Three of my favorite things I did during these months were the Van De graaf generator, Newtons cradle, and the magnet stations. These all gave me an understanding on electricity and magnetism. The Van de graaf generator was a metal object that conducted electricity through it, and when you put your hands on it, it would shock you. The Newtons cradle was the spheres that would knock back and forth and it was like a pendulum. The magnet stations had a bunch of magnets that you can experiment with. These all helped me understood the science behind them. 

Updates for April-May

Through the months of April-May we did frog bit project, water quality testing, chickenology lab, punnett square, alien genetics, mitosis and meiosis, evidence for eveolution, and rock pocket mouse project.  We researched on frog bit and found facts about it. We tested the water and wind at Lakefront Park, for the punnett square we examined genetics around different things and same with the alien genetics. My favorite activity was the frog bit because I think it's interesting that it is located where we live at and learning about it was super intriguing.  

Final Thoughts on 8th Grade Science 

We did many observations and labs this year, we observed physical science, earth science, and regular science. We did evidence about genetics, the earth, and more. We also learned about magnets and the force around it. My favorite activity was the water testing because it was interesting to see the measurements and levels of the water that people in Huron swim in. My least favorite activity was the magnets because I felt that it was boring and not interesting. I would like to learn more about the Earth because it's interesting to know things about the planet we live on.