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Welcome to My Website

Here, I will share some of the things that I am learning in 8th grade science.

Our monthly goals will also be described. The goal for August and September was curiosity. Activities that we did for this were our cicada lab,  wonder jornals, Hungry Hungry Shpero Challenge, The microscopy lab, and water quality testing.

My favorite  

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Updates for October, November, and December

I enjoyed the seismic safe building project. I got to learn how to make a sturdy building that would fall. My favorite part was being able to pick my partners and how we got along most of the time. I got to figure out that working with other people is better for me so they can help me with my mistakes. I still have room to grow on how or why the plate tectonics move.

Updates fo January Febuary, and March

Some of the things we did over this time period was the Van de graaf generator. We learned how the generator work, also how it shocked people. Another thing we talked about was the toxic spill in Ohio. There was some toxic chemicals that spilt when the trains wheels would not work. Lastly we built a Launcher which was very difficult at some points, like when we had to make a design we had no idea what to do.  

Updates for April and May

Over these months we did a lot of fun labs. One lab we did was Alien Genetics lab, we went onto gizmo and had to figure out how to make specific Aliens. Also we talked about rock pocket mice, and how they mutated to survive there lifestyles. Then, we also practiced with Punnet squares.

Final Thoughts of 8th Grade Science

This years science class was one of the best ones yet. I loved doing all of the labs throught out the year. My favorite one was when we had to figure out how to make an earthquake safe building. I thing I did not like doing all of the content checks and quizes. I would love to learn more about earthquakes and plate tectonics.