Welcome Page

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Welcome to my science website!

Here, I will share some of the things that I am learning in 8th grade science.

Our monthly goals will also be described. The goal for August and September was curiosity. Activities that we did for this were our Wonder Journals, the Hungry Hungry Sphero challenge, water quality testing, evaluating article authenticity, the cicada lab, and a microscopy lab.

My favorite was the Wonder Journal. I liked writing down random things I thought of and wondered about and decorating the cover of the journal.

SSB Cce 7.pdf

Updates for October, November, and December

Over the first few months in science class, I have been really proud of my test scores. I have gotten five 100% and it makes me feel really good about myself. 

Out of all the projects we did so far my favorites have to be the Earth Formation Project, water testing, and the Seismic Safe Building Challenge. I liked being able to work with my friends on our poster about Earth's formation and our earthquake-proof building. I also really enjoyed going outside and walking to the boat basin to take water quality tests.

Updates for  January, February, and March

During these past months, we did many things. Some of my favorite projects were the Stream Table and film canister lab. During the time we were working with the stream table, we got to see a "speed up" version of how rivers were made. When I worked on the film canister lab, I really enjoyed trying to make the cap pop off the canister. Another thing I really liked was the Van de Graaf generator. While I didn't get to go up and touch it, I liked watching the people who did. It was very interesting and taught us about the movement of electrons at the same time.

Updates for April and May

Over these last few months, we have done many interactive and informative things. One of my favorite projects that we did was the Rock Pocket Mouse Project. I got to draw and make an informative poster all about rock pocket mice. Another thing I really liked was the water quality infographic.  We got to walk all around Huron getting data to put into our infographics and it was really fun to be outside for a class period. 

Final Thoughts on 8th Grade Science

This year, in science, I have learned and retained lots of new information. We did lots of fun and interactive activities that really helped me learn and understand what we were learning. I think out of all the projects we did over the course of this year,  the Seismic Safe Building Challenge was my favorite. It was fun to make a building and have the creative liberties to do what we wanted with it. My least favorite things were probably the Gizmos. They felt kind of tedious but they were still informative. I would love to learn more about physical science in the future.