science in the pics

Volcanos in hawaii

mauna lao volcano in hawaii is erupting and people are going to check it out.The flow is heading to a major highway.This is concerning!

December 5th,2022

splashdown! Nasas orion return to earth after historic moon mission.

The spacecraft returned 9:40 am jpl,December 11th,2022.It splashed down near baja,CA in the pacific ocean.It had been gone for 25.5 days.

Newly found t rex ancestor had spiked horns around its eyes.

Found in 2017 ,but dug up in 2021.New dinosaur has dna connections to the t rex.

Northeastern Montana

Robotics sleeves could help children with cerebral palsy

The university of california team plans to make a sleeve to help children with cerebral palsy.This disease originates in the brain and causes motor difficulty.