
Young Hag

Pixelation Project

I filmed this video while Casey, Peyton, and Ella all acted in it.  We titled this Young Hag and it's about us if we were in Cinderella.  We used a stop motion app and capcut to put it together.  I liked the sound, but I didn't like how short it was.  If I could do it again I'd make it longer.  

Skeleton project

For this project we were supposed to draw over the top of the skeleton

I drew a girl on Procreate and gave her a few clothing items you can mix and match.  I like the look and design, but I don't like that there's only three things.  If I could do it again I'd draw more things, including shpes.  


Mr. Schoenherr's Chair

I 3D modeled this chair on tinkercad and then printed it with the 3D printer.  It took sixteen hours to print, then I painted the legs and even put fake 3D modeled chewing gum on the bottom.  I really like all the detail and work it took, but I didn't like that I couldn't make the chair edges round.  If I could do it again I'd print the legs and seat separately so it would be easier to paint.  

Alice in wonderland lightbox

I drew each individual layer on Procreate and then cut them out on cardstock with the Cricut.  I liked how the light shone through, but I didn't like the light source I used.  If I could do it again I'd make my light source more secure.