
Welcome CL 7.pdf

Welcome to my Science Website!

Here I will share some of the things I am learning in 8th grade science.

Our monthly activities will also be described.  The goal for August and September was curiosity.  Activities that we did for this were our Wonder Journals, the Hungry Hungry Sphero challenge, water quality testing, evaluating article authenticity, the cicada lab, and a microscopy lab.  My favorite was the Wonder Journals because I got to record random thoughts instead of forgetting about them.

SSB Cce 7.pdf

Updates for October, November, and December

    The concept of convection currents and plate movement is not that interesting to me, but I now understand it very well.  My favorite thing that we've done all year was the seismic safe buildings.  Typically, I enjoy artsy projects, but not engineering or stem design builds.  I'm not the best engineer or builder, so I always expect not to have fun.  However, this project I worked with my friends, had a blast, and managed to create a cute cardboard house (featuring some very interesting modern trash art) that mostly resisted our very aggressive simulated earthquakes.  As much fun as I had making it, it was more fun to stomp on it at the end even if it was a little sad.

Updates for January, February, and March

One of my favorite things we've done this year so far was the Build a launcher Challenge.  I worked with one of my friends and we struggled pretty hard to make a decent model, but when we got it I made a super lucky bullseye and was super excited!  I also enjoyed doing the class project on the Ohio toxic train spill.  I liked doing my own research and then making a big poster with a ton of little drawings. One of my least favorites was the book creator project on magnetism and electricity.  There were a couple interesting things in the slide, but it still wasn't my favorite.

Updates for April and May

I really enjoyed the notes on Frogbit that we did because I got to draw an info-graphic on procreate and I was very happy with the way it turned out.  I didn't love the water quality info-graphic, but I really enjoyed testing the samples because we got to walk outside.  I didn't like the chickenology lab because I thought it was kind of boring.  The practice with Punnet Squares was very helpful and effective, and it made me understand a lot about how genes work.  The alien genetics gizmo was a cute way to show how different traits are passed down, but I still have trouble understanding about mitosis and meiosis.  The evidence for Evolution stations felt a little rushed, and it made it hard for me to grasp the material.  One of my favorite things was the rock pocket mouse children's book I got to make that I was very proud of.

Final Thought on 8th Grade Science!

This year was a great year for me for science! There were things that I didn't get, and things I thought were boring, but overall I had a lot of fun and was impressed with how much I learned.  I didn't really like the slideshow homework that we did where we had to fill in the blanks because I feel like I didn't really pay attention to what I was writing. I absolutely loved getting to take walks down to the boat basin for water testing, and my favorite part was how many projects we got to do.  I learn so much better when I get to see information presented in different ways, especially when I get to make something pretty :).  I loved working with procreate, making posters, and the little info-graphics and children's books.   I can't wait to learn more about life science and the evolution of how different species came to be.  Overall, I was very happy with how much I learned and how much it showed in my work.  Thank you Mrs. Lacrosse!