Welcome Page

Welcome to my science website !

Here, I will share some of the things that I am learning in 8th grade science.

Our monthly goals will also be described. The goal for August and September were curiosity. Activities that we did for this were our cicada lab, Wonder Journals, Hungry Sphero challenge, the microscopy lab, and water quality testing.

My favorite was the Wonder Journal. Every time I'm wondering something that I want to remember for later, I can grab my journal and write it down.

Welcome IS 5.pdf

Updates for October, November, and December.

So far in the 2022-2023 school year, I've really enjoyed doing the sketch notes. They help me learn better and remember the information we're talking about. I know we have many more planned in the future. Another thing that has helped me learn and improve my grades are taking notes. I have a specific notebook for science that holds all of my in-class and out of class notes. I usually study them before a quiz. Writing things down helps me remember things better. So far, my quiz grades haven't been the best. I have some room to grow in those. I usually score somewhere between a 70%-80% on them. One of my favorite things about science this year is when we get to pick the project we do. It allows everyone to experiment with new things and find what they like to do! I'm always prepared for class, although, I need to start remembering to charge my Chromebook at night. I can't wait to see what else this year has for us. 

Updates for January, February, and March

Coming close to the end of the year, within the last 3 months we've done so much more. My favorite things were experimenting with a Van de graaf generator, which we got to watch how it works, what happens when a person puts their hands on it and transfers the energy to someone else, and we created a sketch on book creator for it. The second thing I enjoyed doing was the homework assignment about the Ohio train derailment + the toxic spill that happened. For that assignment, we had to look up information and write about it. The Friday it was due, we took one piece of information and made a little drawing and description of it and put it all on a big poster. The last thing that I enjoyed doing was the electricity & magnetism book creator. We did labs and a lot of experiments to find out information for a content check on Thursday. 

Updates for April and May

Between these months we learned about mitosis and meiosis, frogbit, genetics and everything that comes with it. My favorite thing was the bumper sticker I made. I struggled with the punnet squares and pedigree charts. I didn't really understand it all that much but I was able to still get good grades.

                   Final Thoughts on 8th Grade Science

This year I learned the most I've learned in a science class. I liked the sketch note projects. I was able to design that how ever I wanted and it helped me express my creativity. However, I didn't really like all the notes we had to take. Yes, it helped me study for quizzes and things but taking the notes was boring. We were just sitting down the whole time and it's kind of difficult for me to sit for a while.