Self-Care Strategies

Calming Music

Benefits of working on things while listening to calming or relaxing music include a slower tempo being able to relax your muscles, and help let go of the stressors from your day. Additionally, music is effective for relaxation and stress management.


There are many benefits to practicing yoga. Yoga can help improve energy levels, may reduce stress levels, helps you build strength, improves posture, and helps you stay focused and in the moment!


Meditation can help students develope better emotional regulation skills and enhance mind-body connections. Meditiation also has the power to lower stress and improve self-esteem. 

Healthy Sleep Habits

Good, quality sleep is crucial for teens physical health, mental health, and school performance. Some tips to get better sleep are to create a sleep schedule, avoid caffeine, exercise, 1 hour without electronics/screens before bed, and limit daytime naps.

Set SMART Goals

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevelt, and Time-Bound. SMART goals can help set you up for sucsess, give you a sense of direction, and reach your full potential. See your counselor or social worker if you want help creating some SMART goals!

Eat Healthy Foods

Teens require extra nutrients to support bone growth, hormonal change and organ/tissue development, including the brain! Teens should eat breakfast, drink water, and try to limit highly processed foods. 

Stay Connected

Strong social connections help teens feel understood and encouraged by others. These strong social connections can help teens continue when faced with challenges. If you need tips on bulilding social connections, see your counselor or social worker!

Practice Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is good for mental and physical health. Studies have shown that feeling thankful can improve sleep habits, mood, and immunity. While decreasing feelings of anxiety and depression.

Focus on Positivity

Positive thinking changes the chemistry of the brain by affecting genetic markers and can actually change brain cells! Positive thinking is also associated with an increase in cells that boost your immune system.