Huron School District Curriculum
As a district, we have been working on building this curriculum site to include the Michigan Curriculum Standards broken down by course with resources used to teach them. We are continuing this work to include Learning Targets - this work will be ongoing in our PLCs. The Learning Targets, curricular adjustments, and updating of resources when new resources are adopted will be updated at designated times throughout the school year. Some page links are still under development and will be updated as well.
Huron School District follows the Michigan K-12 Standards for English Language Arts adopted by the State Board of Education in 2010. Identified in the following document, you will find the standards focused on at each grade level/course along with resources the district has adopted.
Huron School District follows the Michigan K-12 Standards for Mathematic adopted by the State Board of Education in 2010. Identified in the following document, you will find the standards focused on at each grade level/course along with resources the district has adopted.
Huron School District follows the Michigan K-12 Standards for Science adopted by the State Board of Education in 2015. Identified in the following document, you will find the standards focused on at each grade level/course along with resources the district has adopted.
Huron School District follows the Michigan K-12 Standards for Science adopted by the State Board of Education in 2007 and revisions in 2019. Identified in the following document, you will find the standards focused on at each grade level/course along with resources the district has adopted.
Huron School District follows the Michigan Department of Education K-12 Standards and Recommendations for Elective/Special Courses in the areas of Foreign Language, Visual & Performing Arts, Music, Physical Education, STEM, Computer/Technology, and Industrial/Career Education. Identified in the following document, you will find the standards focused on at each glade level/course along with resources the district has adopted.
Huron School District offers a selection of services to support all students as well as groups of students with special needs. In the attached link you can see the services offered and a description of these services along with applicable curriculum and resources for certain programs.
To view the MDE of Complete Set of Standards for all subjects, please use this link.
HSD also reviews the success rates for each building's offerings, please follow this link to see the published success rates for all HSD Buildings.