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Welcome to my Science Website!

Here, I will share some of the things that I am learning in 8th grade science. 

Our monthly goals will also be described. The goal for August and September was curiosity. Activities that we did for this were the Wonder Journals, Hungry Hungry Sphero challenge, microscopy lab, using iPads, and water testing.

 My favorite activity was water testing because we got to go outside and go on a walk.

Update for october, november, & december

My experiences with projects, quizzes, and hexagonal thinking activities have been really helpful. The projects I think I do good in, but I could definitely do better. For example, the EDC-SSB lab report, if I were to do the project on my own it would have been a disaster. Things that have been working for me are having a partner in projects, it helps a lot and we can combine ideas, another thing is doing hexagonal thinking activities. The thinking activities allow me to work harder to find out what goes with what, and when it's time to go over it I try to remember what was wrong or right. Things that I enjoy are water quality testing and making sketch notes on the iPad's. When we do water quality testing we take a walk outside and examine nature, when we do sketch notes it makes me think harder on how creative I need to make them. I have room to grow in how I do projects, I am not the most creative when I do the projects, but I work better when with a partner.

Updates for january, february, and march

Some things that we, as a class, did these past few months have been fun. Three projects we did are; Newton's Cradle, Sketchnotes- Forces and Motion-Static Charge Video, and Book Creator- Electricity and Magnetism. I think that learning about Newton's Cradle was a cool experience and it was very informational. Sketchnotes are a perfect way to get an understanding of a material, I'm more of a visual learner so it's the right thing for me, and it's easy to do! Book Creator is a creative way to learn, I did learn a lot about electricity and magnetism from doing that book. There were labs to it, different pages giving examples of different things. Overall, these three projects out of a lot of them that we did these past three months were definitely my favorite.

Updates for april and may

The activities we did in these months are the Frogbit notes and project, Water Quality Infographic project, Chickenology Lab, Punnett Square practice questions, Alien Genetics Gizmo, Mitosis and Meiosis learning, Evidence for Evolution stations, and the Rock Pocket Mouse project. My favorite projects out of all of these were the Rock Pocket Mouse project, the Alien gizmo, and the Frogbit notes because it helped me learn a lot about the topic.

Final thoughts on 8th grade science

Things that I enjoyed the most this school year were making sketch notes, being able to work in partners with labs, and learning about genetics and doing the activities that go with them. Things I enjoyed the least this school year were sitting down a whole class period listening to a lecture and taking notes and working alone for projects and labs. I would like to learn more about Earth science because I feel like there is so much more to find out about our planet. I would also like to learn more about punnett squares because I had times where I did not know what I was doing and times where I did, I just think I need more practice with them.