Q: What is the district’s remote learning or online option?

A: Our BILD (Bearcat Institute of Learning and Development) option is taught by certified, highly-qualified teachers assigned to our virtual school. Elementary Teachers and Core Content Secondary Teachers are full time BILD teachers for our online students. BILD aligns with PA Standards, the same standards we use in our brick and mortar curriculum, and it will include many of the same resources and instructional tools that we use during in-person learning.

Q: Can I participate in the BILD program if I do not have a computer?

A: Yes, the District can supply you with an iPad and a wifi hotspot so that you are able to access and complete all of your learning materials.

Q: Can families opt for in-school learning for one child and BILD (Bearcat Institute of Learning & Development) for another child?

A: Yes, different children from the same family can enroll in different choices.

Q: I am interested in learning more about the BILD program. Who do I contact?

A: Contact the Online Learning Director, Anita Young, at or at (814) 643-4140 (ext 2118).

Q: Can students switch learning options during the year?

A: Yes, students can move to in-person or online learning throughout the course of the year. It may be beneficial for students to make the switch at the marking period or semester change to make the transition easier.

Q: Will BILD (online) students still be allowed to be involved in HASD sponsored extra-curriculars?

A: Yes, BILD students are still Huntingdon Bearcats and are encouraged to participate in any extra-curricular activities that are offered to our students.

Q: My student graduates this year. Will they still get to walk and graduate with their class and be included in all the events, such as prom and etc?

A: Yes, BILD students are HASD students and have the same rights and privileges of the students who attend face-to-face. Not only will they walk at graduation, but they will receive a Huntingdon Area High School Diploma just like the students who attended class in-person.

Q: Will my student have set times to be online or will the work be posted and they can get on and do the work at our convenience?

A: Students will have assigned tasks due weekly. While class times are flexible for asynchronous work completion, the requirement is that students complete the assigned tasks within that week for attendance purposes. BILD teachers will have set times for whole group live sessions in Zoom where they offer important direct instruction and can answer questions. It is suggested that students attend these for their learning and attendance requirement. BILD teachers and Learning Coaches will also set up times to meet with students one on one for progress monitoring and additional personalized support. Learning Coach check-in's are required.

Q: What kind of students are in the BILD program?

A: BILD can create an individualized learning program for every type of student. We educate students who are athletes, want to get a part-time job during the day, have significant health issues, or are simply students who want to learn online.

Q: What learning management system does the BILD program use?

A: BILD students access their online course content in Canvas.

Q: Will taking BILD classes cost me money?

A: The BILD program is free to any student who resides in the Huntingdon Area School District.

Q: Can I still attend the Huntingdon County Career and Technology Center if I'm a BILD student?

A: Yes, BILD students can attend the HCCTC.

Q: How do I enroll my student in the BILD Program if my student already attends HASD schools?

A: Enrollment sessions will be held at the start of every school year as well as the start of each new marking period. If you wish to enroll a student in the BILD program, the student and parent must attend an enrollment session. Enrollment sessions are available in person and via Zoom. During this enrollment session, the Online Learning Director will provide more details about the program, the student expectations, the parent/guardian expectations, the attendance policy, etc. At that time the student and family will sign off on the BILD handbook and select their courses, if necessary.

Q: We just moved to the Huntingdon Area School District and would like to enroll our student in the BILD program from the beginning, how do we get started?

A: You will enroll the student through the Huntingdon Area School District at the Central Office. When you submit your district enrollment paperwork, you will share that with them and they will connect you to the Online learning Director to get started.