
Monday 9/14

Read the story Teacher's Pets in your Journeys Reading Book and complete the Story Structure Chart as you read.

Here is the link to the story if you would like to listen to it being read while you read the story in your book!

Essential Question: How is a school like a community?

Target Skill – Story Structure: The characters (who the story is about) in the story, the setting (where the story is taking place), and the plot (problem and solution of the story)

Target Strategy – Visualize: create a picture in your mind while you read the words on the page, and think about that image or picture as you read.

Tuesday 9/15

Re-read your story this week, Teacher's Pets in your Journeys Book, and complete the Comprehension questions 1-10 on pages 28-30

Wednesday 9/16

Re-read your story for this week, Teacher's Pets in your Journeys Book. Write down 5 singular nouns that you found and 5 plural nouns that you found. Write these on a lined piece of paper. Have your parents take a picture of the words you found, and send it to me in an email.

Thursday 9/17

Listen to the story Town Mouse, Country Mouse by Jan Brett by clicking the link here:

Think about the different ways that the town mice and country mice live. List 3 things that are the same while living in the town or the country, and then list 3 differences there are when living in town compared to living in the country. Write these similarities and differences on a lined piece of paper to turn in tomorrow. Label the top of the paper Town Mouse, Country Mouse

Friday 9/18

Silently read a book of your choice for 15 minutes.

Finish up anything that you have not completed this week, and get all of your things ready to turn in today!