Star of the Week

Well done to the following pupils: 

EYFS - Bumblebee Class

Star of the week

Aleah - Aleah has returned to school this module with a positive attitude and is ready to learn. She is communicating her ideas well, trying extra hard with her phonics knowledge and demonstrating she is a principled learner. Well done Aleah!

Leo - Leo has demonstrated his great inquiry skills this week with our learning about Diwali. He has communicated his knowledge confidently to share his new learning.

EYFS - Dragonfly Class

Star of the week

George-Leon - George has come back to Module 2 with such a positive manner. He is working really hard with his phonics at school and at home. He has been a risk-takeri his learning. Well done George, you are a very principled learner!

Maya - Maya has been a risk taker at forest school this week. She went out of her comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Well done Maya!

Year 1 - Frog Class

Star of the week

Aidan - You have impressed us so much this week. You have been a risk taker when answering questions on the carpet, you have been caring and offered support to others and you have shown us how knowledgeable you are by applying your reading skills in Maths.

Joshua - For improving your presentation skills and for being a risk taker and enthusiastically practising your lines for our Nativity.

Year 2 - Lizard Class

Star of the week

Rueco - For coming back to school with a positive attitude and being a reflective learner. Well done Rueco!

Harrison - For being a risk taker in his learning this week and showing great independence when completing learning, especially writing. Well done Harrison!

Year 3 - Otter Class

Star of the week

Raphael - For starting this term with a positive attitude and really trying hard within his learning. He has been reflective and taken risks throughout the week to deepen his understanding.

Maya - For being a principled learner and trying her best in everything she does. She has contributed in class discussions, asked key questions and help support her peers across the curriculum. Well done!

Year 4 - Fox Class

Star of the week

Margaret - Margaret has had a positive start to this module by being a risk taker in all of our new learning this week.  Keep it up, we're so proud of you.

Jasmine - Jasmine has contributed well to collaborative learning tasks and has shown that she can be a risk taker in our Science sessions this week.

Year 5 - Kestrel Class

Star of the week

Leola - Leola has continued to be a kind and caring member of the class and always thinks of others. Leola always wants to help her peers and adults, and shows a great level of maturity. 

Ardem - Ardem has shown a positive attitude to all his learning this week, striving to do well in all that he has done. He has displayed thinking, principled and inquiring learner profile attributes and has had a fantastic start to the new module. Well done Ardem!

Year 6 - Owl Class

Star of the week

Beatriz - Beatriz has continued to display her thinking, being principled and inquiring learner profile attributes. She has settled very easily into the new module and continues to work hard in her quiet yet determined way. Well done for a very positive start to Module 2.

Tamara - Tamara has continued to shine in all areas of the learner profile attributes, but she has consistently demonstrated her principled learner attributes this week. This has been shown within her work but also when speaking to outside visitors and guests. Tamara has really grown into a sensible and mature young lady. Well done.