Term 2

The Hundred of Hoo Academy

Primary Bulletin

Message from Mr Etheridge - Primary Principal 

Theme of the Fortnight

The Theme of the Fortnight for this upcoming two weeks is "Keeping Safe". Next week we will be focusing on Road Safety as part of Road Safety Awareness Week. It would be great if you are able to reinforce messages around road safety with your children and perhaps talk to them about what you do when you are walking near the road, riding a bike on public highways or when you are driving to make sure you are keeping yourself and others safe around you.

The week after, we will be focusing on how we keep each other safe in school. All children should be able to tell you that the number one job of all members of staff in school is to keep them safe. We have a very open culture of safeguarding at The Hundred of Hoo and encourage children to share if something is making them feel uncomfortable, worried or scared.

The poster below is seen all around the school and reminds children of who the safeguarding team are in the academy. As Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for the Primary phase, if you ever have any safeguarding concerns for your child or any other child, please do remember that the door is always open.

Talking Points

In the lunch hall, for Key Stage 2, we have introduced 'Talking Points' which encourage children to discuss a theme or topic which challenges them to question their own ideas and those of others. In this day and age, being able to critically analyse information which is presented is an incredibly important skill as not everything which can be read online is true! 

If you are interested in what your child has been discussing, ask them about the yellow posters that have been on their tables - it has sparked some excellent debate!

Meet The Leaders

On Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 3.30pm we will be holding our next 'Meet the Leaders' event. Whilst I know many parents stay in regular contact with us about improvements and celebrations when they say to us on the gate, or via email. This is another forum which invites parents into school to talk to the Senior Leadership Team about the strategic vision of the school, organisational matters and any general information you wish to discuss.

We very much appreciate all feedback from parents about how we can continue to make our school even more exceptional and this is a forum we would encourage as many parents as possible to attend.

Home Learning Update

I wanted to give you another update regarding home learning. As you will remember from my bulletin in the first week of term, we have listened to parents about home learning and have revised our home learning strategy and expectations in order to do so (a reminder of the expectations can be found in the links below).

Due to the very strict GDPR compliance process, which ensures your child's data is protected, we are still awaiting for the logins to Cracking Comprehension to be provided. As you will be aware, we have already been able to roll out My Maths and children's homework has already started to be set on here.

As outlined in the initial bulletin, if children do not complete home learning, they will be asked to attend Mr Bullock's home learning session on a Friday lunchtime.

We know that some families have difficulty in completing home learning due to technological or time constraints and therefore Mrs Johnson will be running a voluntary lunchtime club on a Tuesday for any pupil who would like to attend in order to give them the time, space and support to complete home learning.

For any pupil who completes their home learning and does not have to attend the catch-up session on a Friday lunchtime, positive points will be awarded! 

Year R Homework Expectations

Year 1 Homework Expectations

Year 2 Homework Expectations

Year 3 and 4 Homework Expectations

Year 5 and 6 Homework Expectations