Star of the Week

Well done to the following pupils: 

EYFS - Bumblebee Class

Star of the week

Maddison - Maddison has been risk taker this week, she has challenged herself with her writing and has produced some excellent work around her lifecycle. She is reflective of the feedback given to her and is applying this in her independent writing to ensure she is using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Oliver - Oliver has been a risk taker this week, his independence in writing during our drawing club has been amazing! He is reflective of the feedback given to him and is applying his capital letters, full stop, finger spaces and all his phonic knowledge in his sentences. Well done Oliver! 

EYFS - Dragonfly Class

Star of the week

Roman - Roman has returned to module 4 with an enthusiasm to learn. He has been a fantastic inquirer and thinker across our learning this week and has demonstrated how knowledgeable he is. We are particularly impressed with how reflective he has been in phonics and drawing club. He is an asset to the class. Well done!

Oliver - Oliver has been a brilliant communicator this week. He has shared his ideas with all of the adults and his peers, within the classroom and the outside setting. Well done Oliver!

Year 1 - Frog Class

Star of the week

Sena - We have been so impressed by your enthusiasm and readiness to learn this module.  It has been wonderful to see how knowledgeable you are.  Keep being a risk taker.

Aidan - For being a reflective learner - you have listened carefully to advice and it has had a real impact on your learning. Well done - you should be very proud!

Year 1 - Newt Class

Star of the week

Dariella - You consistently display our learner profile attributes and what a star learner looks like. I am beyond impressed with your reading, enthusiasm in all our lessons and how caring you are to everyone around you. Continue to be the bright star you are!

Isabella - We are impressed by your open-mindedness and enthusiasm to learn this module. It has been amazing to see how knowledgeable you are and how you consistently model our learner profile attributes. Continue to be amazing and wonderful and keep being a risk taker!

Year 2 - Lizard Class

Star of the week

Oliver - Oliver has been a risk taker this week by challenging himself in his maths lessons. He has developed great confidence in answering questions and has not been afraid to give an answer to difficult questions. As well as this, Oliver has shown great resilience by trying again and again with his learning, even though he has found something difficult. Doing this has allowed him to reap the rewards as he is now able to share amounts into equal groups confidentially.

Tito - For settling in well in Lizard Class, showing how a principled role model he can be for other students.

Year 3 - Otter Class

Star of the week

Bobby - Bobby has shown a great attitude this week with his learning. He has been principled and has shown how to be a caring member of the class. Bobby has worked hard to improve his learning especially in his report about Isaac Newton. Well done Bobby!

Harleigh - Harleigh has been a principled learner this week showing a great attitude towards his learning. He has taken risks and reflected within his learning to produced a great setting description linked to "The Green Ship".

Year 4 - Fox Class

Star of the week

Will - Will has shown that he is a wonderful Inquirer through his use of questioning when we visited the Guildhall Museum this week. He asked interesting questions about the artefacts we were looking at to find answers to help deepen his understanding and was able to make connections to previous learning. Will was a wonderful role model to others on how to behave when outside of our school and visiting somewhere new. 

Nathan - For challenging himself in maths this week by being open minded and making connections between his times tables and his work on fractions.

Year 5 - Kestrel Class

Star of the week

Mia - Mia consistently demonstrates what a principled learner she is and is a caring member of Kestrel class. She always approaches all tasks set with a positive learning attitude and takes everything in her stride. This week she has portrayed being a risk taker by sharing ideas in class discussions and being an active member of our class during learning time. Her growing confidence has shown how she is applying all of the skills we have been learning which has been lovely for us to see. Keep up the great work Mia, well done!

Isabelle - Isabelle has shown that she is a caring and principled learner; always striving to help everyone that she can. She is a fantastic inquirer and continuously produces amazing work to a high quality. This week she has contributed fantastically to some of our class discussions, demonstrating a deep understanding, especially during reading and writing. Keep up the great work Izzy!

Year 6 - Owl Class

Star of the week

Alina - Alina, as ever, has been incredibly principled in her learning in the classroom and has shown how knowledgeable that she is. She is always reflective on her own learning and how she can improve. She is a very caring member of owl class and communicates well with others in the class when supporting them in their learning. Well done Alina.

Sienna - Sienna has been an excellent communicator this week when sharing her knowledge during all lessons but most notably in our maths lessons. Sienna has also been very principled in her learning this week taking on board everything that she has been taught and the feedback that she has got. In her writing this week, she has shown how knowledgeable and reflective she is on her own learning.