Salvia bogotensis subsp. aratocensis J.R.I.Wood & Harley


FMB–21911. COLOMBIA. Santander: south side of the Chicamocha Valley, between Atratoca and Pescadero, 1500 m, 9-IX-1985 (fl), J.R.I. Wood 5052.


FMB–11444. COLOMBIA. Boyacá: c. 4 km fron Soatá towards Tipacoque, 1200-200 m, 3-XI-1985 (fl), J.R.I. Wood 5133.


Wood, J. R. I. & R. M. Harley. 1989. The genus Salvia (Labiatae) in Colombia. Kew Bulletin 44(2): 260, f. 9H, J, map 9.