HSU Hour of Code

This event has passed - for current Hour of Code information, visit: https://sites.google.com/humboldt.edu/hourofcode/home

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December 4th-8th, 2017

5-6pm Scholars Lab (3rd floor of the Library)

To celebrate Computer Science Education Week, the HSU Library's Digital Medial Lab hosts coding events in early December. The Hour of Code is the largest learning event in history- with tens of millions of students learning computer programming across the world. Stop by the third floor of the Library 5-6pm Dec 4th-8th to learn coding basics and how to create 3D environments.

If you can't make it to the events, click on the links below to get started on your own with these free tutorials and activities.

Monday 12/4 5-6pm - Learn HTML & CSS to build a custom webpage!

This tutorial includes five projects centered on creating content for the web: a personal website, a responsive blog theme, a small business website, a CSS robot, and a mad libs game. By creating these projects, you'll learn the fundamentals of working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

For this Hour of Code event we will be completing projects 1 & 3 but feel free to complete all 4 projects to learn some advanced CSS techniques as well as the fundamentals of using JavaScript, a very useful programming language for the Web.

Useful Resources for learning more:

Tuesday 12/5 5-6pm - Use JavaScript to build a 3D world!

Create a 3D world using CodeCraft and JavaScript with their Hour of Code Build to Learn course. This tutorial teaches the basics of JavaScript and gets you thinking in 3D by building with basic cubes. This tutorial covers strings, data types, variables, for loops and more.

Useful Resources for learning more:

Wednesday 12/6 5-6pm - Use a code playground to create your own app!

Learn how to use Glitch to create a website or webapp

There are many options for coding on the web but we'll be using Glitch, which allows you to create web apps completely online for free! We'll be using our HTML, CSS and JS skills from Monday and Tuesday, so if you weren't able to attend those, be sure to complete the Dash tutorial before coming to this workshop.

Useful Resources for learning more:

Other useful links for Code Playgrounds and quick web development

This open source project is free to use and even download if you want to run it on your own server or locally on your computer. JSBin makes it easy for others to remix your projects- just click on the 'Edit in JSBin' link when you mouseover the upper right-hand corner of the screen. You can publish your projects and share them but you can't create multiple files or upload assets like image files.

Getting Started with JSBin

Much like JSBin, JSFiddle allows you to quickly put together a small project and test out some code (JavaScript). It's free and easy to start up a project or remix someone else's!

Basic JSFiddle Tutorial

Static Websites

These options won't allow your viewers to quickly remix your projects, but if you want to set up multiple files and have almost full flexibility, these are great free options.

For more complicated projects and more flexibility, Neocities is a quick and easy way to create static websites for free. You can upload assets, create multiple files and folders and even create custom domains (the premium service allows custom domains for $4/mo). Restrictions are fairly limited- you can do most anything, but the file types you can upload are limited.

Neocities also has a beginner HTML course.

Like Neocities, Github Pages allows you to create static websites and even get a blog up and running using Jekyll. Even if you don't know Git (a command line tool for updating and moving files from your computer to a server), Pages allows you to edit your HTML, CSS or JS or create a Jekyll blog on the web. You can also set up custom domains with Github Pages, it's free to point it to GitHub, but you'll need to pay for the domain itself (which usually costs around $15/year).

Examples of projects


The 2017 HSU Hour of Code Vr Flyer is made using Glitch!


My Three.js project from the 2016 Hour of Code.


My basic example of how to embed a 360-degree photo from A-frame.

Github Pages

My failed project trying to deploy a quick blog using markdown (sort of an abbreviated version of HTML) and Github pages: blog template.

A note about encryption

All of the platforms listed on this page utilize HTTPS, an encrypted protocol that allows people to send and receive information from your site securely. If you create a project that doesn't use HTTPS, it is quite easy for their traffic to be snooped - for another person to see your communications. For projects that ask users to enter information, you should consider ensuring that you're using HTTPS. Even if you're not, it's a good practice to help make the entire web encrypted.

Thursday 12/7 5-6pm - Build 3D models with Tinkercad!

Tinkercad is a free and easy way to create 3D models online. We will explore the basics of using Tinkercad and creating objects by following their step-by-step lessons. For people attending Friday, we will be able to then use these 3D creations into a VR world using A-frame.

Useful Resources for learning more:

Friday 12/8 5-6pm - Build web-based Virtual Reality with A-frame!

On this final day of the Hour of Code, we'll work in a 3D appliction that is a JavaScript (web-based) framework developed by Mozilla. For those who created an object in Tinkercad, they'll be able to import it into A-frame and animate it, making it easy to share with friends.

Useful Resources for learning more:

    • A-frame
      • When viewing an A-frame project, hit ctrl+alt+i to open the Inspector, which is a user interface that allows you to manipulate your scene like so:
Animated GIF of A-frame inspector
      • A-frame.io is the home of the framework and includes remixable projects and some (not-so-beginner-friendly) info about using it to create virtual reality and 3D.
      • There is an A-frame template on Glitch that you can work with and not have to worry about hosting files and setting up your project.
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This site is openly licensed CC BY Tim Miller - Please re-use, re-mix, adapt, adopt and anything else.