The Legacy Project

(Always under construction!)

A 7th Grade Science Initiative of Creekwood Middle School


To deliver and maintain a living and growing, perpetual learning tool, a "legacy of learning" created by and for current and future 7th Grade Science students.

A Digital Legacy

Deliver online teaching of subject matter by students, in the format of their choice. As students progress academically, they may choose to update their presentations until the day they graduate from the District and their accounts are closed.

A Physical Legacy

Create permanent physical displays of subject matter on campus, providing an interactive experience and enhancing campus atmosphere.

DISCLAIMER: Plagiarism/Copyright, factual errors, etc.

Please understand that this website, besides serving as a campus learning legacy, is intended ONLY to teach young students how to do research and build a good presentation. It is in no way "official," and the information contained therein is not to be considered expert or suitable for application in any way. Furthermore, in this process, despite our best efforts, plagiarism and factual errors will inevitably slip through. Middle School students are still learning how to read and interpret what they've read, and put it in their own words. This is NOT a comfortable process for many of them, and as a result, old habits such as "copy/paste" die hard. In addition, we are coaching them to teach and coach each other throughout this process. They are learning their own methods of "peer review." So, if you see examples of plagiarism or factual error, please feel free to send us comments, but please do not go overboard in holding people accountable for them. This is a learning experience for young students, and it takes time; therefore, all entries on this site are to be considered "under construction" and subject to editing and revision at the author's discretion. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we learn and grow!
