Kingwood TAFE

Howdy KHS!

Texas Association Of Future Educators is a service and educational based organization that allows for service opportunities and exploring the education field. TAFE is a amazing club for resume building as well as community out reach. We hold workshops for gaining life skills as well as social events! We have opportunities to compete and already have 2 state winners (and more to come ;). Although our chapter is small we are an extremely strong willed group! Any student on campus may join even if they aren't interested in teaching.


TAFE is one of the nine Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) recognized by the Texas Education Agency. TAFE is proud to be the newest CTSO recognized in Texas. This recognition has not been granted to a student organization in Texas in the past 20 years!

National affiliation

TAFE proudly supports the work of the Educators Rising and each year a delegation of TAFE's top student leaders attend the National Conference to represent the lone star state.