Summer Creek Percussion

 Welcome to the Summer Creek High School Percussion site. Inside you will find information and resources for practice and performance.

Percussion Student Expectations

The expectation for all Summer Creek percussion students is Freshman audition for HS Freshman Region Band and all Sophomore, Junior and Senior percussion students audition for HS Region Band. Additionally, all students will participate in our solo/ensemble contest. Students are encouraged to continue on to the All-State solo/ensemble level.


Drumline Camp 1, June 3-6, 2024 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Drumline Camp 2, July 15-18, 2024 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Summer Band July 22-26, July 29 - August 2

Concert Band

Marching Band

The Trust Bank

For organizations like ours to strive to achieve ever-increasing success, it’s members must trust one another in their commitment to the program. Individually, we work each day to improve ourselves musically. As our individual performance levels improve, your work is noticed by others. Even though you may not receive overt acknowledgement, your contributions to the program are recognized by your fellow members and staff. This is where the “Trust Band” comes into play.

Everyone in the program has “trust account.” When you do the right things, meet or exceed expectations, or display your loyalty to the program by continuing to evolve as a musician, you make deposits into you “trust account.” Occasionally, you make withdrawals from your account when you for example, arrive late for rehearsal, or forget to get new reeds for your instrument. With a positive balance, these withdrawals have little impact on how your commitment to the program is viewed. But just like a bank account, you can overdraw your account. Too many withdraws can impact your perceived commitment to the organization.

How To Email A Teacher

There may come a time when you want to come to the band room during the day to practice or make a recording. There is a proper procedure for requesting such a request. 

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate a request through the teacher first affected by your absence. This is not the band directors, it is the teacher who’s class you will be missing if your request is approved. Please do not expect or ask the directors to contact a teacher for you.

When creating your email, please refer to the figure above for the mechanics of crafting your request. Since the email will be sent to the teacher who’s class you asking to be excused from, be sure to include the band directors in the carbon copy field. When we receive your email request, we will respond with our decision. If your other teacher approves your request, and the band directors approve your request, you have permission to come. If either party does not respond to your request, consider the request denied.