Continued Learning Online

Humble ISD

Zoom - Safe and Secure Use

for Digital Classrooms

Use this document and/or this infographic as a guide for setting up your Zoom meetings to ensure the safest and most productive experience possible.

Check out this blog post from Zoom for even more support for the platform: Best Practices for Securing Your Virtual Classroom.


The purpose of this site is to provide educators with continued learning options that are district-supported and readily accessible to use in the virtual classroom.

Humble ISD places high priority on the quality of instruction we provide to all of our students and the manner in which it's delivered. We value face-to-face interaction and the relationships established between our students and teachers.

However, in extenuating circumstances such as bad weather and wide-spread illness, Online/Continued Learning provides a great opportunity to stay connected, provide instruction in other formats, engage students in authentic learning, and work collaboratively when face-to-face interaction isn't possible.

"[Online/Continued] Learning occurs when the learner and teacher are separated by time and distance (not in a traditional classroom setting). Information is typically transmitted via technology (Google Classroom, [Schoology], video conferencing [via Zoom or Google Hangouts Meet, teacher/campus websites, and/or] email) so that no physical presence in the classroom is required.

When technology-facilitated [Online/Continued] Learning isn't possible, paper materials can be used as a substitute. [Online/Continued] Learning can occur synchronously (real-time interaction) or asynchronously (self-paced, independent of the teacher)." (

Components of Continued Instruction and Learning

* Communication with Parents and Students

* Teaching and Reteaching

* Student Practice and Application

* Assessment and Feedback

Want some additional ideas for engaging students in a virtual world! Check out this collection of digital resources put together by Digital Learning and our very own Humble ISD TILT (Technology Infusion Leadership Team)!

Continued Learning can be accomplished in many ways.

A Choice Board or an assignment in a Google Slides document can be shared with students through platforms like Google Classroom or Schoology, on a teacher website, or email.

Communication, Instruction, and Feedback can happen using video conferencing tools like Zoom or Google Hangouts Meet, Google Drive and other GSuite applications, or by simply recording a video to be shared in an email.

Assessment and Feedback can be given and auto-graded using Google Forms or through comments on shared Google Docs.

Check out the DL Schedule of webinars for training opportunities on these great tools!

Learn more about how to engage your students virtually with Flipgrid!

Staying Connected

Remember, we are social creatures, so this style of learning will definitely be an adjustment.

It is extremely important to consider the value of staying connected and sustaining positive relationships between school and home. Sending daily videos to students and/or parents just to check in and to remind them where to access resources and extra help will do wonders!

Here are some ways you can connect with your students right away!

All Learners: Send daily videos to sustain positive relationships with encouraging words and instructions for learning. Flipgrid is a great way to keep the interaction going with your students! Also, consider coming up with a proposed daily schedule for students that balances academic time with play, brain breaks, and even service type learning or chores.

Middle School and High School: Consider setting virtual office hours where students can check in to ask questions or receive further instruction. This can be accomplished in a discussion board in Schoology or Google Classroom, and even a live webinar via Zoom or Google Hangouts Meet.

High School: Some campuses/districts opt for establishing actual class times for high school to keep them on track with their course work towards graduation.


Preview a plethora of resources related to copyright, fair use, source citations, free-to-use images, online safety, and digital citizenship.

Preview a variety of district-supported instruction and learning platforms to determine the best tool for delivering instruction and receiving student work.