First Digital Puzzles

Digital Puzzles are short games for students to access on an iPad or Chromebook. Students practice scanning QR codes, adjusting volume and orientation as they listen to a video, and entering answers into a short Google Form. These are the first steps for Digital Escape Room challenges in later grades. Find a digital puzzle that fits your curriculum below and/or start making your own with the blank template below.

Small groups of students work together through each of the 4 task blocks to complete the puzzle. They will listen and watch the title video, read some very simple text recapping the story, count or make a number sentence for the objects, and then enter answers to a very short Google Form. (The first time, the Google Form is challenging...but everyone has a first time....and they quickly get the hang of it!) When answering the Google Form, young students must help themselves by finding the needed word on their sheet or around the room...another great skill to practice! Teachers must print one sheet for each small group. Thoughtfully arrange students in small groups of 2 -4 students with one iPad. Click to print.

Grades K-1

Grades K-1

Grades K-1

Grades K-1

Click to download and print enough copies for each small group to have one sheet.

Grades K-1

Grades K-1

Grades K-1

Grades K-1

Click to download and print enough copies for each small group to have one sheet.

Grades K-1

PRINT optional answer cards

Grades 4-5

Grades 3-5

Grade 5

Click to download and print enough copies for each small group to have one sheet.

Grades K-1

Grades 4-5

Grade K

Grades K-1

Grades 4-5

Grades 3-5

Click to download and print enough copies for each small group to have one sheet.

Grade 5

Click to download and print enough copies for each small group to have one sheet.

Click to download and print enough copies for each small group to have one sheet.

Grades 1-2