Humanities Prep

Programs and Internships

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." -Thomas A. Edison

Please use the form below to let your advisor know that you are interested in a program. However, remember that you should also apply for the program.

Go Project Summer Internship 2019


● Assist head teachers and teaching assistants

● Work one-to-one or in small groups with students who are in need of academic intervention

● Actively engage with students, teachers, fellow interns, and other program staff

● Enthusiastically participate in daily professional development sessions

● Attend all sessions punctually and consistently

● Co-lead one professional development session during the summer

● Submit bi-weekly writing assignments

● Read all assigned materials

● Meet all internship deadlines


● Personal gratification through enhancing the lives of young learners

● Development of leadership skills

● Ongoing personal and professional development opportunities

● Continual on-site support from GO Project staff

● Portfolio for support with college and career selection

● Completion of a service learning project which will have a larger impact on the community


● High school students in good academic standing (rising 10th, 11th, 12th graders, and 2019 high school


● Commitment to and belief in all children’s ability to succeed and thrive

● Commitment to social justice through educational equity

● Ability to work collaboratively on a team

● Strong or emerging leadership skills

● Punctuality and professionalism

How to Apply

● Complete online application form: 􀀠

● Submit a personal statement explaining why you would like to intern with GO Project and reflecting on a

social justice issue which you consider the most important (max 750 words)

● Submit a copy of your most recent school transcript

● Provide one written letter of recommendation (References can only be from teachers, employers, school

administrators, or supervisors)

● Attend an interview as part of the initial screening process (Please note, space is limited; early sign ups are


Deadline for application submission will be Monday, April 29th, 2019. Interview slots will start in early

March and go through early May. Early applications are encouraged as interviews and acceptance decisions

are made on a rolling basis. Decisions will be made and communicated by mid-May 2019. Please reach out

to with any questions. No phone calls please.