Gallop For Gravy

2018 Sponsors

Gallop for gravy began about seven years ago and has grown into a family tradition. From the first year, the race was meant to be fun for everyone and just a healthy way to start Thanksgiving. From there we began raising money for worthy organizations in our area.

For the past several years Children's Charity Ministry of Harrison has been our primary charity. In 2017 we were able to donate $1700 to CCM. This is almost one full month of their current backpack budget for area students. Our goal by 2020 is to raise $6000 each year for this program.

New This Year

A few new things we are doing this year:

  • 10K course. We are looking to start the 10k at 7:30am. To see the route click here. it just extends the 5k route and will have some gravel. on the