Explore HMS

HMS Student Newspaper!

Welcome to Explore HMS! Here you can find everything going on with HMS! Thank you for visiting! You can go to different tabs to find the articles written by HMS students!

April 2019

Spring is finally here! This means the school year is coming to a close. This will be our last edition of the Explore HMS. We would like to say thanks to all our readers. Thank you for supporting us for the past two years. Goodbye!

Kaitlyn Golden, Caitlin Hadfield, Amelia Swain, and Sofia Uzcategui

January 2019

Congratulations to the 2018-19 HMS Power of the Pen team!

After days of intense try-outs and weeks of agonizing waiting, the 7th and 8th grade teams have been chosen by our own Mr. Fejes! Good luck to you all as you begin the exciting new season.

What is Power of the Pen, you ask? Well, readers, it is a creative writing competition between schools. A program unique to Ohio, it was formed in the 1980’s to give creative writers an opportunity to put their skills to the test against other writers. The 7th and 8th grade teams each have six members, plus one alternate. You can learn more about Power of the Pen at their website: https://powerofthepen.wildapricot.org/.

Hope to see you at try-outs next year!

March 2018

Last trimester, 7th grade students Janaki Srinivasan and Kelly Evans chose the topic of suicide prevention for their service learning project in the class Literacy in the Community, taught by Ms. Hoenfeld. The girls approached our librarian Mrs. Kingan about their project idea and she agreed happily! She said that she had wanted to provide suicide prevention information to Hudson Middle School students.

As Kelly and Janaki began to gather content, they made flyers and posters, all of which shared suicide prevention info and the suicide prevention hotline number. They then created an area (at the Student Center) in the media center to display their research to all HMS students.

Now, students are free to take a brochure, bookmark, wallet card, or view a poster to gain access to info about suicide prevention or to make note of the hotline which is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This is a great thing Janaki and Kelly did to take action in our community! Hopefully their project can help students and inspire others to take action on things that they are passionate about!

December 2017

Note: To open any forms you need to click on the image of the form and a arrow in a box and a trash can will pop up. Click on the arrow in the box. If there are any issues please email Mrs. Kingan or Mrs. Dages! Thank you!