Parent Resources

Special Education Links

Help Me Grow (Early Intervention Birth- Age 3)

Help Me Grow Early Intervention

Early Intervention (EI) is a statewide system that provides coordinated early intervention services to parents of eligible children under the age of three with developmental delays or disabilities. EI is grounded in the philosophy that young children learn best from familiar people in familiar settings. Every family served in EI will have a local EI team that consists of a service coordinator, service providers, and your family. Your team works with you in your home or other places you and your family spend time to develop a coordinated plan called an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). You and your team will work through your IFSP plan to use your existing supports and resources—and build upon them—to learn to enhance your child’s learning and development. For more information, please click here.

Parent Referral

Trumbull County Contact

Our District’s Partnership with Youth Intensive Services (YIS)

Students who have mental health problems struggle in school due to their mental health problems. YIS provides positive, school-based behavioral health services that involve full-time counselors in all three of our school buildings. YIS’ staff helps increase your child’s self-esteem and work through the issues or concerns they have which enables them to function better in school. Positive, school-based intervention improves self-esteem and leads to better performance socially, behaviorally and academically.

School-based services provide behavioral intervention and mental health services in the school on an “as needed” basis throughout the HEVSD campus. These services include: Positive intervention inside and outside the classroom, Positive reinforcement, Check-ins, Social skills groups, Family nights, and Camps during the summer and over extended breaks

ACT Special Testing Requests

Visit this link for more information.

Steps (Updated 8/1/2020):

  1. Register to test. Create an account or sign in.

Online registration will ask you for your high school code and your accessibility needs.

  1. You'll receive an email that must be sent to your school official along with a completed Consent to Release Information to ACT (PDF) form.

You will need to work with a school official when making your requests.

  1. Your school official will submit your request, with documentation, to ACT.

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities or OOD, partners with Ohioans with disabilities to achieve quality employment, support their desire for independence and assist them with Social Security disability determination outcomes.

OOD works with partners from the business community, education and non-profit organizations to facilitate customized employment plans for Ohioans with disabilities. helps Ohio companies to recruit and retain employees with disabilities, and is the sole agency determining medical and vocational Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs, better known as SSDI and SSI.

Local Office: Youngstown

Counties Serviced: Columbiana, Jefferson, Mahoning, Trumbull

Address: 242 Federal Plaza W., Suite 403, Youngstown, OH 44503

Phone: 330-797-9980

Toll-Free: 800-686-5145