Journeys Vocabulary

Unit 1 - Journeys: School Spirit!

Story 1 - "A Package for Mrs. Jewls"

1. shifted (v.) - moved or changed your position

2. struggled (v.) - tried very hard to do something but still had difficulty

3. wobbled (v.) moved unsteadily from side to side

4. staggered (v.) - walked very unsteadily

5. interrupted (v.) - stopped briefly

6. disturbing (v. or adj) - upsetting

7. speciality (n.) - a featured item or attraction

8. squashing (v.) - crushing or flattening

9. collapsed (v.) fell down

10. numb (adj.) - having very little sensation or feeling

Story 2 - "Ultimate Field Trip 5: Blasting Off to Space"

1. function (v.) - work properly; do as expected

2. flawed (adj.) - with mistakes; not perfect

3. simulate (v.) - to imitate something to make it seem as real as possible

4. version (n.) - a form of something that varies slightly from other forms of the same thing.

5. operator (n.) - someone whose job it is to use and control a machine or vehicle

6. axis (n.) - a real or imaginary straight line that goes through the center of the spinning object

7. tethered (v.) - tied with a rope to something to keep it from getting away

8. adjusted (v.) - slightly changed to correct something

9. delicate (v.) - fragile; needs skill and care

10. acute ((adj.) - extremely sharp

Story 3 - "Off and Running"

1. decorated (v.) - added things to make something more attractive

2. beckoned (v.) - signaled in some way, often with a gesture

3. gradually (adv.) - slowly over a period of time

4. hesitated (v.) - paused before you said or did something

5. prodded (v.) - encouraged to do something

6. debate (n.) - a formal public discussion about specific issues

7. stalled (v.) - delayed; stopped

8. scanned (v.) - quickly looked over

9. shaken (adj.) - upset

10. inflated (adj.) - filled with air

Story 4 - "Double Dutch: A Celebration of Jump Rope, Rhyme, and Sisterhood

1. unison (adv.) making the same movements at the same time

2. recite (v.) - to say a text from memory

3. identical (adj.) - exactly the same

4. uniform (adj.) - having a single form in appearance, style, color, or texture

5. element (n.) - one essential part of a whole

6. routine (n.) - a repeated series of movements

7. competition (n.) - trying to do better than other people or teams

8. intimidated (v.) - frightenend or nervous; lacking in confidence

9. mastered (v.) - became very skilled at something

10. qualifying ((adj.) - showing that you or your team have the ability to go on to the next level

Story 5 - "Elisa's Diary"

1. gorgeous (adj.) - somethihng that stands out in beauty and grace

2. opponents (n.) - people who compete against each other in a contest

3. supposedly (adv.) - thought to be true, or supposed to be true

4. preliminary (n.) - something that comes before the final event

5. obvious (adj.) - noticeable or easy to see

6. brutal (adj.) - something that is overly rough

7. officially (adv.) - authorized by the people who make the rules

8. sweeping (adj.) - movement that covers a wide space from side to side

9. typically (adv.) - usually

10. embarrassed (v.) - feeling ashamed and uncomfortable

Unit 2 - Wild Encounters!

Story 6 - "Interrupted Journey: Saving Endangered Sea Turtles"

1. juvenile (adj.) - young

2. marine (adj.) - in or connected to the sea

3. analyzing (v.) - breaking into parts

4. stunned (v.) - unable to sense what is going on

5. ordeal (n.) - difficult experience

6. fatal (adj.) - causing death

7. intensive (adj.) - complete and carried out with care

8. treating (v.) - giving medical care

9. calling (n.) - occupation

10. basking (v.) - resting in or enjoying warmth

Story 7 - "Old Yeller"

1. romp (v.) - an energetic and noisy way to play

2. strained (v.) - stretched to the limit, either physically or mentally

3. shouldered (v.) - carried the weight

4. lunging (v.) - making a sudden forward movement

5. wheeled (v.) turned quickly

6. frantic (adj.) - wild with excitement or worry

7. picturing (v.) - creating a mental image of something

8. bounding (v.) - leaping

9. checking (v.) - limiting or controlling something

10. stride (n.) - the rhythm of your walking and length of your steps

Story 8 - "Everglades Forever: Restoring America's Great Wetland"

1. endangered (adj.) - threatened; for plants and animals, threatened with extinction

2. responsibility (n.) - a duty or job

3. conserving (v.) - using only what you need of something and protecting it; not wasting something

4. regulate (v) - to control

5. unique (adj.) - unusual and special in some way

6. attracted (v.) - drew attention and captured interest

7. adapted (v.) - changed, to survive or fit into new conditions

8. vegetation (n.) - plants found in a particular area

9. guardians (n.) - people who protect or take care of others

10. restore (v.) - to return something to its original state

Story 9 - "Storm Warriors"

1. clammy (adj.) - cold, sticky, and damp to the touch

2. elite (n.) - something that has special skills or qualities that makes it the best

3. commotion (n.) - a lot of noise and confusion

4. annoyance (n.) - something that is irritating

5. realization (n.) - a sudden awareness of something

6. secured (v.) - fixed or held firmly in place

7. bundle (v.) - to wrap something in many layers

8. critical (adj.) - something of great importance

9. demolished (v.) - completely destroyed

10. squalling (n.) - loud, harsh cries

Story 10 - "Cougars"

1. available (adj.) - ready to be used or taken

2. particular (adj.) - specific or special

3. keen (adjl.) - sharp and alert

4. detecting (v.) - working to discover something

5. mature (v.) - to grow and develop over time

6. vary (v.) - to change siomething

7. resemble (v.) - to be or to look similar to something or someone

8. unobserved (adj.) - hidden or unnoticed

9. ferocious (adj.) - very aggressive and scary

10. contgentment (n.) - total happiness

Unit 3 - Revolution!

Story 11 - "Dangerous Crossing"

1. representatives (n.) - elected officials

2. pressing (adj.) - urgent

3. shattered (v.) - broken into many pieces

4. embark (v.) - to begin a journey

5. viewpoint (n.) - your unique thoughts and opinions

6. conduct (n.) - management and behavior

7. cramped (v.) - very small and tightly

8. bracing (v.) - positioning yourself against a support

9. surveyed (v.) - looked around and noticed all the parts of something

10. distracted (adj.) - your attention wandered away from the task in front of you

Story 12 - "Can't You Make Them Behave, King George?"

1. benefit (n.) - something helpful and useful

2. objected (v.) - expressed an opinion against something

3. contrary (adj.) goes against the majority; stubborn

4. advantages (n.) - skills or situations that favor you

5. temporary (adj.) - only meant to serve for a short time

6. rebellious (adj.) - acting against the authorities

7. repeal (v.) - to formally cancel something

8. midst (n.) - in the middle of something

9. previously (adv.) - before something else

10. prohibit (v.) - to ban or forbid something

Story 13 - "They Called Her Molly Pitcher"

1. legendary (adj.) - something or someone who comes from legends; well known

2. formal (adj.) - something that follow set traditions

3. foes (n.) - enemies

4. revolution (n.) - a sudden change in the way things have been, usually political in nature

5. plunged (v.) - dove in suddenly

6. gushed (v.) - poured out in a very fast and forceful way

7. magnificent (adj.) - very beautiful and impressive

8. shimmering (adj.) - reflecting light to seem sparkly; glimmering

9. strategy (n.) - a plan for reaching a goal

10. retreat (n.) - a withdrawal from an attack

Story 14 - ""James Forten"

1. influential (adj.)- having the power to make other people do things

2. persuade (v.) - to convince someone to do something

3. bondage (n.) - bound to work against your will, in slavery

4. tentative (adj.) - uncertain

5. aspects (n.) - different views that show the parts of a whole

6. provisions (n.) - food and supplies tht help you survive

7. dexterity (n.) - flexibility and skillful movement

8. contributions (n.) - improvements or aids toward bringing something about

9. apprentice (n.) - someone who works with a master craftsman ato learn a trade

10. authorities (n.) - people, such as government officials, who have the power to enforce laws or command obedience

Story 15 - "We Were There, Too!"

1. tedious (adj.) - boring or annoying

2. peal (n.) - a sudden, loud sound

3. rural (adj.) - country areas that often have many farms and few people

4. summons (n.) - an official request for you to go somewhere

5. mocking (v.) - imitating someone in an insulting way

6. personally (adv.) - something done by a person with no help from anyone else

7. efficient (adj.) - getting maximum results from minimum work; wasting nothing

8. organize (v.) - to arrange things according to a system

9. lacked (v.) - didn't have something necessary

10. mimic (v.) - having qualities of imitating or