What is expected of me in the library?

Treat books gently:

  • Handle books with clean hands.

  • Keep books in a safe, clean place. (Your dog will eat books.)

  • Use an appropriate bookmark to hold your place.

  • Use a plastic bag to transport books during inclement weather.

  • Inform the librarian immediately if a book needs repair.

Return books and materials on time:

  • Students may borrow books for a two week time period.

  • Reference material "R" or "REF" may be checkout overnight or one school day.

  • Students may have THREE items(2-books and 1-magazine) checked out at one time.

Use appropriate behavior in our library:

  • Use a shelf marker while browsing.

  • Use a shelf marker to return books to their proper place on the shelf.

  • Use a quiet voice when speaking.

  • No food, drinks, snacks, or gum please.

Take care of your library privileges:

  • Return borrowed items on time.

  • Do not loan library materials to other people.

Thank you for helping me take care of library materials! :)

Mrs. Moses