The Hoover Schrum Memorial School District 157 continues to monitor new cases of COVID-19. The dashboard below is designed to share a snapshot of COVID-19 statistics in our district. These numbers reflect a moment in time. We work closely with IDPH and ISC4 to monitor the spread of the virus and follow the recommendations of our public health department with respect to addressing positive cases. The information provided via this site is updated each week based on the information available to the district through individual reporting and contact tracing. Hoover-Schrum Memorial School District 157 is committed to keeping the community as well informed as students and staff this school year. We recognize that communication is vital during this uncertain time. We will take every step possible to provide accurate and up-to-date information, while also adhering to laws that prohibit the release of confidential medical information. Keeping our schools and workplaces healthy and safe will be a team effort, and we need your help. Each school is prepared to act immediately and consistently if and when a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 or exhibits symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Maintaining safe learning environments requires partnership with local public health agencies and our families. We ask all families to help support the collective safety of our students and staff by following identified mitigating measures and reporting signs, symptoms, and positive cases of COVID-19 to the school. Please help mitigate the spread by wearing masks to protect yourself and each other, social distance, practice good hand hygiene, and staying home when ill.