7th Grade Science Website

Purpose of this website:

We live in a digital age. In all subjects, including science, we use the internet to communicate our ideas and share information. We (Mr. Letendre and Mr. Porter-Henry) will be sharing information with you through this website and your school email addresses. You can this of this website as our class text book. It will contain most of the important content and instructional information that we will cover this year. Throughout the year we will be exploring different areas of science in Units. This website is organized into these units. Units will be "opened" as we get to them throughout the year. Right now Unit 1 is the only open unit.

UNIT 1: Skills, Safety, and Orientation OPEN

UNIT 2: Thermal Energy and Heat Transfer OPEN

PROJECT 1: Thermal Energy Project OPEN

UNIT 3: Motion and Stability (CLOSED AT THIS TIME)

UNIT 4: Potential and Kinetic Energy (CLOSED AT THIS TIME)

UNIT 5: Plate Tectonics and Natural Disasters (CLOSED AT THIS TIME)

Unit 6: Technology Systems and Scientific Practices (CLOSED AT THIS TIME)


Click HERE to go the Team Greylock Webpage

Click HERE to go the Team Everest Webpage