

Select choir, band, orchestra, or creative music class on your course registration.


Check out the choir page below for information! 


Attend a parent meeting and rent instrument OR get all of your information here and rent online. 

Parent Meetings 

(Band and Orchestra Only)

Thursday, February  8th @ The 5/6 Building at Georgetown, 

Arrive at 6:30, 7:00, OR 7:30. 

Monday, February 26th @ Riley MS, 

Arrive at 6:30, 7:00, OR 7:30. 

You can expect to hear from the teachers for 15 minutes.  Then have the option of renting an instrument!

Select the class you would like more information about.

Why take a music class?

Students in high-quality school music education programs score higher on standardized tests compared to students in schools with deficient music education programs, regardless of the socioeconomic level of community. Nature Neuroscience, April 2007

Music training in childhood “fundamentally alters the nervous system such that neural changes persist in adulthood after auditory training has ceased.” Skoe, E. & N. Kraus. (2012).The Journal of Neuroscience