elementary schools


In January 2020 for the first time, all HPISD elementary campuses will participate in One School, One Book and read the same novel across the district.

Every family will receive one copy of the same book and will be encouraged to read it aloud together at home according to the reading schedule. There will be trivia questions each day and other extension activities tied to the book throughout the month.

Reading aloud offers a variety of benefits to children of all ages. We hope you will embrace this opportunity to foster literacy skills and to have a positive reading experience with your child.

With One School, One Book, the goal of the elementary campuses is to build a community of readers throughout HPISD. Everyone--students, parents, teachers and administrators--will literally be on the same page!

The One School, One Book programs launched in the schools on January 8, 2020. This year's book is the classic Mr. Popper's Penguins by Florence and Richard Atwater.

Thanks to the campus PTAs and Dads Clubs for funding the programs.

View the video below, and visit the Read to Them website to learn more about One School, One Book programs.
