Team Supplies

Organization is the key to your child’s success in the upcoming school year, and thus we are providing you with a list of necessary supplies. To ensure your child’s academic achievement, he/she needs to have these supplies on a daily basis and to replace any items as needed throughout the school year.

Please Note: Supplies for the 2022-2023 SY have been purchased by the district and will be distributed by homeroom teachers during the first week of school.

Team Supplies:

One - 2 inch three-ring binder

(preferably: Red or Blue - this binder will be shared with English and Social Studies)

One package of dividers or binder folders to separate subjects

One package of loose-leaf paper

  • Two - 1 subject notebook (Math and Science)

  • Two pencil cases

  • Two pens(blue/black ink) and two pencils (per pencil case)

  • Two highlighters

  • Three pocket folders (2 of which will go into the binder for S.S. and English, the other will be for Math.

  • Earbuds

**Binders and supplies will be set up by the team teachers during the first days of school.**