
Problem Statement (SEPT 10)

Capstone Problem Statement - Monello, Eli

The purpose of this stage was to help us get a better understand of the problem in the world that we want to fix. It was somewhat hard for me to write this statement, as my problem is "a lack of research," however, I was able to incorporate the problem of people harassing turtles. I ended up realizing that I should use the research I conduct to help educate people to respect the turtles.

Pitch (SEPT 29)

Eli Pitch Presentation

The purpose of this stage is to pitch possible project ideas to our peers and receive feedback. It allowed us to share our ideas with our peers and our peers to give us ideas of how to improve our projects.

Capstone Pitch - Monello, Eli

Formal Proposal (OCT 15)

Capstone Proposal - Monello, Eli

In this stage we laid out exactly what are project was going to be, what we hope to accomplish, and how exactly we are going to accomplish it. I got a sense of how exactly my project will be helpful and what can be done with it in the future. It was a way of looking at the bigger picture, rather than the immediate future. In addition to making a task plan on this google doc, I have made a Trello board (linked below) that will allow me to organize my steps required to accomplish my projects

Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)

Monello, Eli - Prototype

My prototype consisted of a few parts. First, I added onto and organized Ms. Jim's inventory of turtle facial shots. I then learned how to fun these pictures through the program I3S. This program took a little bit of work to figure out, but will very beneficial to my project in the future. Finally, I created a TFS spreadsheet to show all of the turtles we have pictures of. This stage ensures we are on task to create a functional final product.

Semester 1 Presentation (DEC 14)

Eli Prototype

In this stage of capstone, we presented our prototypes. This allowed us to share our work on our projects so far, receive feedback from our classmates, and give my peers feedback and suggestions on their projects. The feedback I received was helpful, as it showed me what I may have left out in my presentation and gave me some new ideas of what I can do with my final product.

Capstone Prototype Presentation - Monello, Eli

Product Creation (MAR 10)

Showcase (APR 25-29)

Here is my final capstone presentation. This video is all capstones that presented on day 1. My presentation ran from 1:25:14 to 1:40:18.

Capstone Showcase Presentation

White Paper (MAY 2)

White Paper